Building an internal coaching capability

“RNIB has worked with Clare and the team for at least 10 years.  They have been proactive in keeping abreast of the vast changes we have gone through and have offered flexible solutions that have taken us much further than we originally anticipated.   We have benefitted tremendously from their professionalism and genuine concern for the business”    
Head of L&D – RNIB


  • To further enhance their coaching offering by having a team of internal coaches.
  • To explore the impact of sight loss on both coach and coachee


Members of the Learning and Development, including those with sight loss, went through a foundation level coaching programme combining group learning, action learning sets, peer coaching and external coaching leading to assessment and graduation.

During this, with the support of our team, together they researched the impact that impaired vision may have on both coach and coachee.   Findings presented back as part of the graduation process.


  • Enhanced coaching capability
  • Roots of embedding a coaching culture
  • Greater understanding of the impact of reduced or no vision in relation to coaching
  • Putting in place new approach to reflect learning